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Three cheers for disposable underwear (2010/10/28 TODAY)

Three cheers for disposable underwear (2010/10/28 TODAY)

Van Ness Wu on road trips, lost luggage and wedgies

by May Seah
05:55 AM Oct 28, 2010

SINGER, actor and pretty boy Van Ness Wu, who was in town last weekend to perform at the Ion Fashion Concert, has trotted the globe so much, he's clocked more miles than the Pony Express.

The 32-year-old citizen of Los Angeles, Taipei and everywhere in between had been in Paris prior to his Singapore stop, working on his television drama, Material Queen, and was still missing the Parisian je ne sais quoi.

However, the former member of Taiwanese boyband F4 was planning to take comfort in his favourite Indian curries, which he enjoys every time he visits Singapore. MAY SEAH

Where's your favourite travel destination?

Van Ness Wu: It doesn't really matter where - it's the people that I'm with. I love taking road trips, driving along the coast. I love beaches, sandy spots and all that. Bali's great. East Java, too - I love going to Surabaya and hanging out with people there.

When was the last time you went on a road trip?

July. We drove down to Las Vegas from LA, and it was a really good trip overall. I don't drink, so it wasn't like a party - crazy, Hangover type of deal. For me, it was just really being able to get out there and relax by the pool, get a tan, get some sun, enjoy the food, the shows, and spending time with friends and family. We did a little bit of gambling, too.

I guess one of my best travel experiences is being able to travel by myself, to a place I've never been before. That's always fun.

Where would you go?

How long do I have? An indefinite period of time? I'd definitely go to Europe, then. I'd walk the whole continent before ending up in a tropical spot like the Caribbean.

What's your worst travel experience?

Losing my luggage. That's always kind of scary. It's happened once. It was in Japan. I showed up, I was all excited, then I found out my luggage got delayed, or was gone. It came back the next day, but it was a bit freaky.

What has been your biggest packing mistake?

Winter clothes in the summer time, or summer clothes in the winter time. This time in Paris, I didn't expect it to be so cold. It was freezing. It got down to zero degrees. I had no gloves the whole trip and no real big windbreaker type jacket.

I loved Paris. It's very beautiful. I love French people. Everybody I met, they were really nice. Even the ones that weren't nice were still interesting. I love the language. I miss hearing the language.

What's your best travel tip?

Disposable underwear. I'm serious. I went to Paris for two weeks and I bought 15 pairs of disposable underwear. Wear 'em, throw 'em away. Works great. You don't have to go home and wash your clothes and all that stuff.

Don't they give you wedgies?

No. Not me. My ... Uh ... No. (Laughs)

[ 本帖最後由 EmiLy.V 於 2010-10-28 06:20 編輯 ]


thanks Emily for sharing~


原帖由 EmiLy.V 於 2010-10-28 06:04 發表
What's your best travel tip?

Disposable underwear.
I'm totally agree with him!




Thanks for sharing~
Love, Faith, Live


thx for sharing
Disposable underwear. ~~where can I get it?


this really a nice interview ... love V~


haha....so funny

Thanks for sharing!!


thanks for sharing! disposable underwear! LOL!


Thanks for sharing~


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