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標題: [3rd Wave Music] SOL4GOD JUNE 2012 PRAYERS for Van Ness & 3rd Wave teams [打印本頁]

作者: jessi    時間: 2012-6-2 23:55     標題: [3rd Wave Music] SOL4GOD JUNE 2012 PRAYERS for Van Ness & 3rd Wave teams

Join us as part of SOL4GOD to pray for @VanNessVanWu @alexander_0729 @siwon407 @Brianjoomuzik @3rdWaveMusic in the month of June!

SOL4GOD stands for Soldiers of Light for God. Partners @brianjoo110 @SiwonLover @Xander_Lovers and Van Ness Wu International Fan Club [Malaysia] ( pray together on the 1st of every month. We invite you to pray with us for the artists that we love and support! ^^
Have a great weekend! God bless~
GROUP PRAYER: Please pray for the following anytime on June. ^^

Van Ness:
1. Van Ness' new drama - Van's new drama "Ti Amo Chocolate" is currently airing in Taiwan. Pray that this drama will receive great response from the viewers and that they will enjoy watching Van's acting in this drama. At the same time, the promotion of this drama is still ongoing in some places/countries. Let's pray that the promotions will receive tremendous response from the fans and the public.

2. Van Ness with God - Van is heading to Malaysia for the event "Healing For Our Land" on June 7-9, 2012 held at Bukit Jalil Car Park B. Pray that this event will be a huge success and more sick people will be healed. Let's lift our prayers to GOD!

3. Van Ness' life - Pray that out of his busy schedule, Van will be take care of his health and get enough rest. Also, pray that he will smile and be happy always as God blesses him.

1. Alexander - Pray that Xander can lead a healthy lifestyle and not get sick easily. Also, pray that he can overcome things that are bothering him. Pray for his family as well.
2. Kibum - Pray for Kibum's health and safety. Also, pray for his HnB company and his brother.
3. U-Kiss - Pray for members' health as they have been going overseas for schedules. Pray that they will have enough rest and not get sick.

1. Siwon's heart - Siwon loves God and loves to do many good things. Pray that Siwon will always stay humble and lean on God. We found out last May that Siwon had donated around $50,000 USD to victims of the China earthquake in 2006. He never told ELFs before. This was just revealed by a trusted people this May, 2012. We believe that he donated with his own money, not his parents'.  Pray that Siwon will always be filled with the love of God.
2. Siwon's activities - Please pray that Siwon will always maintain a healthy lifestyle. Pray for his in-production drama "Turn Around and Say I Love You" in Shenzhen and Taiwan. Please pray for Super Junior's 6th album that is also in production. Also, pray for various events that Siwon is involved in and his role as ambassador for some brands (e.g., Caffe Latte, Kyochon, Acer, Mamonde, etc.).
3. Siwon and his family - Pray for Siwon's family: Mr. & Mrs. Choi and his beloved sister, Jiwon to always be in God's favor. His dad recently revealed their family photo, which was a big surprise for fans. Also, pray for Siwon's beloved brothers in Super Junior, Leeteuk, Heechul, Shindong, Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Kangin, Zhou Mi, and Henry to always be in good spirits. Pray for them to always thank God for everything that they have accomplished and stay humble. May Super Junior continue to keep their brotherhood and maintain a strong bond as well as always support each other and be together.

1. Brian's health - Brian has taken up crossfit training recently and is really enjoying the workout. Pray that he will maintain his health and stay motivated through his workouts. Thanksgiving that he's had some time to rest after returning from the U.S. and got to meet up with friends.
2. Brian's activities - Brian was a guest DJ for a radio show for one week last week and it was really fun for him. Pray that as he gets back to work that he will always bring his infectious positive energy everywhere he goes so that those around him will be brightened through his presence. Also, pray that his schedules will go smoothly and he will have a great time with staff, colleagues, and fans. May God continue to pave the way for him in terms of new challenges and roles in his entertainment career and pray that Brian will continue to trust in Him.
3. Brian's spiritual life - Pray that Brian will continue to be a light in the industry. It's always encouraging to read about him attending church and may God use the sermons to speak to him. Pray that Brian will be uplifted by having a close relationship with God as well as enjoying fellowship with brothers and sisters. Knowing that Brian's mood often gets affected by the weather, pray that he will keep his focus on God during those days when the weather is gloomy and it may be tougher than usual to get through the day. Also, pray that Brian will continue to be a blessing to those who come into contact with him, and in turn, people can experience the love of Christ.

3rd Wave:
1. 3rd Wave's future events & projects - Pastor Johnny is currently in LA and he will be staying for the week. He's speaking at White Harvest Church at University of Southern California campus this Sunday at 9:45am. Pray that God will grant him wisdom and use him as His instrument. Also, pray that God will continue to foster the partnerships that have been built with brothers and sisters from different places in Asia, especially in Taiwan. Pray that God's hand will be upon the next musical project and that everyone will be able to work well together as one body in Christ. May God use the talents He has given artists in the industry to shine for Him and for His glory. Pray that everyone involved will be humbled and full of praise through this experience.

2. 3rd Wave's proceeds - Pray that God will oversee the finances for this summer in preparation for the medical surgeries that will be conducted in Ivory Coast, West Africa this coming August. Thanksgiving that our target of $10,000 USD has been reached through the love and generosity of all those who made a contribution. May God demonstrate His love through this medical project so that those in West Africa will get to know Him.

3. 3rd Wave's ministry - Pray that God will continue to build up brothers and sisters at this church and use them to serve those in need. May God give them a heart after His own heart and grant them wisdom and vision. Above all, may they grow in love for God, for each other, and fo

[ 本帖最後由 jessi 於 2012-6-2 23:56 編輯 ]
作者: LOVannEssKIVI    時間: 2012-6-3 10:04

Thanks for sharing~
作者: Alice    時間: 2012-6-3 11:59

Let's pray together

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