


jaeson | 01.19.10 | East Week Magazine HK, Entertainment, MUSIC

A little over 1 year ago, God led me to a very special young man & brother named “Van Ness Wu.” Some of you may know Van Ness through the popular Taiwan pop band “F4” he has been a popular singer, dancer, actor, but most of all servant of God.

When I first met Van Ness, he was quite lost spiritually, but through prayer and seeking God he made a dramatic turn for the better. He decided one day to personally commit his life fully to Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I baptized him in my backyard swimming pool in Los Angeles. That day I shared with him being baptized does not mean you will now have to be perfectly holy, but it means to trust that God alone can make him holy in His grace. That day he took the step of faith and has never been the same since!

Recently, Van Ness and I did a concert and major outreach to youth in Indonesia together. Thousands of youth from Indonesia came to hear him perform his songs, but Van Ness didn’t just give them a performance he gave them a message.

On stage he wore a t-shirt that he personally made. On the t-shirt it said, “GOD IS BETTER THAN SEX!” I was quite shocked when I saw him wear the t-shirt. He then began to share how he gave his life to Jesus and decided to give up all his past sins and bad habits. But there was one sin that was very difficult for him to let go of: sex. He said that his pastor challenged him to not have sex for 1 or 3 months to practice self-discipline, but he didn’t think he could do it. Yet, he continued to pray if this was God’s will for him to practice self-control. Finally, one Sunday at church when he was praying for confirmation he grabbed a random Bible to read. When he picked up the Bible a card fell out of the Bible and it read “TRUE LOVE WAITS ~ I commit to not have sex till I am married in order to be faithful to my future wife, children and family.” He was shocked when he read this commitment card to purity. He knew that it was not a coincidence and God was asking him to give up sex for at least one year as an act of faith to believe that God alone could satisfy his needs.

It was a funny testimony. Van Ness then shared how although he committed to God to not have sex for one year, that the temptations got worse. Everywhere he looked there were women tempting him to go to bed. But he would continue to resist and pray for God to help him say “NO!” Well, he did say no. For over one year now, Van Ness Wu has been sex free and HAPPY to say so! When asked why he is not having sex Van simply answers with his t-shirt “GOD IS BETTER THAN SEX!”

I am proud of my brother in Christ Van Ness Wu because he has truly found God’s presence to be more satisfying than these unfulfilling earthly pleasures. He gave up the extreme pleasures of this world, for the extravagant pleasures of knowing God.

You may say, “What is wrong with having sex before marriage?” Well, it is statistically proven that when you do have sex before marriage it leads to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted diseases, unhealthy relationships, and less satisfying marriages, and the list goes on. What is more important is not whether it is wrong or right, but the example Van Ness is choosing by living a life of purity before God, his future wife, his future children and to his fans. Van Ness is what I would call a “Righteous Role Model” not because he never makes a mistake, he is more holy than others, but because he is choosing to do what he believes is right in God’s eyes. Way to go bro!


Jaeson Ma

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Chinese version of the article


早前吳建豪隨我到了印尼一個布道會,在數千年輕人面前又唱又跳,那一天的他,不僅有精采的演出,還帶出了一個訊息,這個訊息便是印在他身上的一句「GOD IS BETTER THAN SEX」。那天我見到吳建豪穿着這件T恤上台,感到很驚訝,他隨即跟我分享了一個故事;他說自從信耶穌之後,已即時下定決心把一切壞習慣戒掉,希望盡量依神的旨意行事,但有一個習慣,對他來說是很難很難改變的,這便是對性的態度。一天,教會裏的牧師叫他要守色戒一個月去練習自律,吳建豪那時心想:「一個月?一星期也未必得!我一定沒可能做到。」但藉着禱告的力量,一個月過去,三個月也過去,一天吳建豪在禱告中對神說:「你是不是想我藉着色戒去學習自制呢?請給我指引。」吳建豪禱告後數天,去了主日崇拜,他隨手拿起一本聖經來看,怎知一打開,一張塞在聖經中的卡跌了下來,那張卡上面竟巧合地寫着:「真愛是等待——我承諾不作婚前性行為,為了向我未來太太、家人保持忠貞。」

吳建豪知道這張卡不是一個巧合,是神希望他守色戒至少一年,作為他相信神會滿足其一切所需的約定;吳建豪說自從決意戒色一年後,發現處處都是引誘,更試過有女友人堅持要與他發生性行為,幸好他亦能堅持。如是者已經一年了,一年沒有性行為的吳建豪今天以T恤上的一句「GOD IS BETTER THAN SEX」,表達了他對這個承諾的心情。


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