
Let's Encourage VanNess!

Let's Encourage VanNess!

Dear Fans, now that VanNess has his own official site @ iamvanness.com, why not spend a bit of time to send some messages, words of encouragement to him time to time?

I am sure those of you who followed his tweets and weibo these 2 days can feel that he is feeling very down at mood or maybe lonely...it is not the first time we see him his way (long time fans, I am sure you are sort of used to it)...but still felt he will feel the warmth of our love for him if he can read what we write to him (especially when his morale is low now)...so why not do it at his site where he is bound to check very frequently?

I saw a Chinese fan now located at Paris wrote him a long message @ iamvanness.com and I felt to so moved by her words for VanNess...

So what are we waiting for?  Let's do it!


