
[討論] 国王在IAM开新帖询问大家2011年打算咯



New Year Resolution...?
I've recently thought to myself what should the year 2011 be like... and I'm still searching for that answer... all I know is I want to go into a deeper understanding of what God's love is about. Love is the most wonderful thing in the world, and yet it is also very painful too. Because we love someone so much, and the love goes so deep, that is also why the depth that we are able to hurt too. I felt the most intense pain I've ever felt thus far in my life when my grandmother passed... I never spoke about it publicly and I don't know why I am now... I guess I just want to say that no matter what... Love is worth it. It is worth the pain that comes along with it in life.

my new years resolution... learn to love like I've never loved before.
what's yours?

帖子在iamvanness.com....forums 然後 lounge 标题是:New Year Resolution...?

[ 本帖最後由 小妖love-v 於 2010-12-28 04:33 編輯 ]


