
[報告] 国王,在韩国。



Van Ness
View Profile  View Forum Posts  Private Message  View Blog Entries  View Articles on Yesterday at 06:47 PM (5524 Views)
Went to Korea... pix tell the story... it's late... I'm tired... and the way the photo uploading was set up really frustrated me...
I will say though on the way to Korea... I saw the sun cascade down onto the water... and reflected to my window... at least I thought it was from the water at first... but then as we went over land it was still there... all the way until we got closer to land was when i couldn't see it anymore... God's perspective is always different than ours... how I yearn to for more of Him...

Thanks Babz~ for letting me take your AM EYEWEAR* hahaha! (if you guys like'em their coming out at www.carteblanche-x.com soon!)

When I got back from Korea though I was very blessed to find my new MAC at the office... next to my Doc Marten's x IZZUE boots... GOD thank You for letting me eat Kalbi Jim, Dak Kalbi, meeting with old friends and making new ones. AZIATIX #4 on iTunes and climbing!!! Proud of you guys! God thank You for blessing me with all that I have in my life... I love my life. And I LOVE YOU! Take it all away if You see fit... for none of anything matters if not for You... just give me a pure heart after You. .

VanNess,because of you。


VanNess,because of you。

