
Shanghai Autograph Event Brief Report (19/5/2007)

Shanghai Autograph Event Brief Report (19/5/2007)

Thanks to Lizzy from fc-f4ever for updating on the Shanghai autograph session!  :)


1557 hrs
现在大约有五六百歌迷了, 他今天应该也会唱歌
There are about 500 to 600 fans now,  I think he will sing a song today.

1727 hrs
没有唱歌 主持人跟他聊了几句,他按了手印,现在开始签了
He did not sing.  But the host interviewed him for a while and had a brief hand print ceremony.  Now he is starting to autograph on CDs

1754 hrs
他今天不是嘉宾要当评委 ,我现在赶去
He is not a performing guest at the Shanghai talent show but being one of the guest judge.  I am rushing over to that venue now.

