
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Dear all V fans,

The calendar year of 2007 has once again proven to be a wonderful year for us. Next year for sure will bring surprises, and I am confident and have a lot of trust in you as a V fan that you always do the best to your ability to creative new ways of supporting VANNESS.

The holiday seasons are coming up, first Christmas and New Year, and later Chinese New year, these are all holidays for you and your family to spend time together and enjoy time together. To love and to be loved is a great feeling for all of us, but please remember that in times like this, stop for a while, say a nice word to a stranger, hold somebody's hand, share your thoughts, invite someone into your life.

I wish to express from the depth of my heart, that you will experience great joy and happiness during the festivities together with your loved ones.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Gratefully yours,

