
F4 Interview @ Azio Entertainment(English Translation)Part 4

F4 Interview @ Azio Entertainment(English Translation)Part 4

Translated by kkla@nbbbs.com

Before more translation from vrg yan, in the 2nd half of the program, F4 were requested to ask each other questions.  

Jerry's questions to F3:  
ZZ - Do you want to "meet" good friend?  (kkla:  the term "good friend" has been used by a lot of artistes to refer to their boyfriend/girlfriend when they don't want to publicize their relationship) ZZ answered that at this point he had already got a close female confidant, so he would focus on his career.  Then Jerry said, "You misunderstood my meaning.  I mean good friend, as you haven't called me for a long time."  Then Hou said Jerry added the explaination too late.

Ken - Will you open your own restaurant?

Van - Do you have ADD?  (kkla:   the meaning of ADD's Chinese name is "Hyperactive Kid")  Jerry said that he wanted to ask Vanness this question as Vanness always acts with full of energy.  Jerry said that actually Vanness is a "Little Sun" in his mind.   

After Jerry's turn, it was ZZ's turn to ask the questions.  
Hou:  So ZZ, what kinds of questions do you want to ask F3?  
Jerry:  Actually he wants to ask Pei Cen(Hou) what kind of guy does she like?  
Hou:  Really?  
ZZ:  Yes!  How come you know that?
Hou:   Really?
ZZ:  The first question is
Hou:  I want to ask Pei Cen what kind do you like?
ZZ:  like what kind of
Jerry:  that
ZZ:  Auh, I haven't finished writing
Hou:  How come the staff laughed so loudly behind the camera?  Why?
(At this time, Jerry grabbed ZZ's head and whispered in his ear)
ZZ:  Jerry said position/pose
(Everyone was laughing and Jerry hit ZZ's head)
Jerry:  I didn't say those two words.  (Jerry put his arm around ZZ's neck) How come you said so?
ZZ:  No.  I said ...
(commercial time)
After commercial,
ZZ:  No.  I meant what kind of poses do you like when making commercial.  

F3's questions to Jerry?
ZZ:  About your good figure, did you inherit it from anyone of your family?  
Jerry immediately said:  No
Hou:  Is your dad tall?
Jerry:  Yes, actually my dad looked like Fei Xiang (the one who played Guan Xin's old lover in The Hospital)

Vanness:  It's very tiring to be your friend.  Is it possible for you not to make me so tired?  
ZZ:  Please don't talk about this kind of sensitive topic when I am in the middle.  I don't know what to do except drawing pictures.
Hou didn't hear the question, so Jerry repeated Vanness' question.  
Hou:  Ouh...
Vanness:  I was teasing him.  
Jerry:  It is a fact.  
Vanness:  It is also a fact.  
Jerry:  I have the kind that...it doesn't matter how close I am with him, when I haven't seen him for quite a while, I will suddenly get the feeling of being distant with him.  I don't know why, but he is very good.  Everytime he tries to cheer me up.  That's why I said he is the Little Sun in my mind.  Sometimes when I feel lonely or something, he is like sunshine to warm me up.  Then I will laugh happily.  Therefore, I really need to thank him.  

Ken's question:  If we fight against each other in a round-robin Kungfu tournament, who do you think will win?  Who will be the Champion?  
Jerry:   I think it may be you.
Ken:  No way!  I am sure that I will be beated by Vanness.  
(kkla:  rough meaning was translated only)Jerry:  Not really!  I think the way you pursue things that you like is always...you are Capricorn...I mean your attitude in learning...For something that you like, you will try your best.  In term of Wushu, you will
Vanness:  So do you think I won't?   
Jerry:  It's not that, but he is interested in Wushu
Ken:  Not just an interest.  I am talking a real fight.
Vanness:  It's really hard to say in real fight.


thank you


u noe wat weng vann,i really get to understand more about this whole this interview...


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