
2006.04.29 F4 CNN Talk Asia English/Chinese Word Record

2006.04.29 F4 CNN Talk Asia English/Chinese Word Record

2006.04.29        F4 CNN Talk Asia English/Chinese Word Record

Many thanks for Jessie’s GREAT help!

[猫注:1. 本次访谈中,朱同学和吴同学都全程用英文回答,所以翻译部分完全根据他们的原话。但是言同学和周同学是用国语回答的,原声被处理过后很不清楚,我只有根据英文配音翻译,若有与原话不完全对应的地方,请不要较真,谢谢!
2. 水平所限,错误在所难免,欢迎大家批评指教,感激不尽!
3. 鉴于本次文字记录中英文长达两万多字,某猫在漫长翻译过程中,忍不住加入废话评论若干,此言论只代表个人,不感兴趣者请自动忽略,谢谢!]

Host 主持人
Van 吴同学
Ken 朱同学
Jerry 言同学
Vic 周同学

Introduction Part (showing some scene of their MVs)…

They are known collectively as F4. Pop idols will be inspiring fans frenzy all through Asia since coming onto the scene in the name of Taiwan in 2001.
Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou, Ken Zhu and VanNess Wu beat hundreds about of the candidates in a casting call for the drama series MeteorGarden,based on one of the popular Japanese Comic-Hana Yori Dango. The TV series and its sequel became such hits that its made superstar of the group overnight, leading to more drama roles, products endorsements, and a string of successful albums and concerts tours.


Host: Gentlemen, welcome to Talk Asia. Thank You very much for being here with us...It’s good to see you all. The series MeteorGarden made you virtually instantaneously famous. Did that come as a surprise to you? 先生们,欢迎来到Talk Asia。非常感谢各位来到这里,真得非常高兴可以见到你们。“流星花园”播出后,你们以不可思议的速度窜红,对此,你们是否也感到惊讶?

Van: A bit of shocked….yea…We didn’t expect it…I remembered me and Jerry we were supposed to have a fan meeting…but then…emm, very 1st one... 是有一点儿震惊,我们都没有想到。我记得我和Jerry,我们有一次本来计划有一个fans见面会,但是,嗯,就是第一次……

Ken: Yea...and then they went对啊,他们去……

Van: the 1st one...There was complicated and it was packed...and the fire fighters set me out. We can’t show off otherwise it will get too crazy. So, the 1st ever fan meeting was cancel. So, that’s the when we realize wow this is a bigger that what we ever expected and we all went back.第一次,当时很混乱,堵成一团,然后是消防员把我带出去。我们不能出来,不然现场会疯掉。所以第一次fans见面会就被取消了。所以,那时候我们才意识到,哇哦,这实在比我们能想象的严重得多,所以那次我们就只能回来。[猫:其实心里暗爽吧?]

Host: Was that hard to deal with it? 这是不是很难应付?

Jerry: Yes, it was really difficult to the beginning when I wasnt use to it. But later, it got better when we learn to accept it and there is more and more people started paying attention to us and we found that the attention had make us wanna work harder and do better for our audience. 是的,一开始我实在很难去适应。但是很快,当我们学会去接受这一切的时候,情况好了很多。而且随着越来越多的人开始关注我们,我们发现这种关注成为了我们工作的动力,为了他们,我们不断努力做得更好。

Host: I mean you didn’t have that much, forgive me if I am wrong…you didn’t have that much acting training right before MeteorGarden?我是说,你们并没有经过很多的——如果我说错了,请原谅——在演“流星花园”之前,你们并没有得到很多表演训练,是不是?

Jerry: You are right; we never had any training. We just went along with the flow.没错,我们从来没有得到过正式的演艺培训。我们就是一边演一边学。

Van: We learn and it was like a training process.我们在实际表演中学习,这就像一个培训的过程。

Ken: We have very good director at that time.那时候我们有一个非常好的导演。

Van: Yea, Yea..He was really good. He helps us a lot with everything. He really builds the backbone each character as well. I mean he will give us certain parts and just really go with it...you know...He really helped us.是的是的,他真得很棒。在所有事情上,他都给了我们很多帮助。他给每个人的性格树立起一个基本的框架,我是说,他会给我们需要的部分,然后我们只要去做就可以了。你知道,他真的帮了我们很多。[猫:可敬的蔡导啊!光这一个太阳往西边打的ABC就够他受的。]

Host: And, become closest is your character. For example, to your true self. 那么,就是非常接近你们的个性,比如说,你真正的自己。

Vic: I actually feel that the 4 characters in MeteorGarden are quite like our personality in real life that’s the reason we were chosen. I had accompanied a friend to audition and I was waiting at the corridor of the office, the light was very deemed and I headed a corner against the wall and when the director was going into his office, he saw me sitting there. Why this person here? And then he looked again and said “this person really seems like the character of “Hua Zhe Lei”. So, he invited me to the audition. 其实我真的觉得“流星花园”的四个人物的性格,非常像我们在真实生活中的个性,这也是为什么我们会被选中的原因。那次试镜其实是我陪一个朋友去的,然后我就在办公室的走道里等他,那时候灯光很暗,我就在角落里对着一面墙坐着,正好导演进他的办公室,看到我了。就说这个人怎么在这里?然后他又看了看我,就说“这个人真的很像花泽类”。所以,他就让我去参加试镜。

Host: Some people said you know the story was focused on the wrong value. That sets a poor example for the young people. What do you think?有的人说这个故事中强调的价值观是不正确的,会给年轻人树立坏榜样。你们怎么看?

Van: Well, I think a lot of times the medias does blow everything up proportion. Just by a single sentence they can say one word and everybody will catch up tactically all soon saying “oh you are right, you are right”…you know, everything was wrong and the values are all gone... But then if you really look at the story, err…what is really saying in the end just follow your heart. Is it wrong to follow your heart? Who can judge..? You know…so… 嗯,我认为很多时候媒体会夸大其词。有时候单凭一句话,他们就能生造出一篇东西,然后大众就会跟着附和,“噢,对啊对啊!这些都是错的,这些价值观都不对……”[猫:小子你还真敢说,坐在你面前的可不就是媒体?]但是你真正去看这个故事,到最后你会发现它强调的是,人应该忠实于自己的心。难道这也有错吗?谁有资格来评判?所以说……[猫:小子,说得好!此处当浮一大白!你也只是为了自己的心而活着的吧?]

Jerry: Actually, I think it’s just a television drama. Not something that any one need should be taking too seriously. Its a little bit of entertainment and then it gave viewer something to think about it.实际上,我认为这只是电视而已。没有必要当真吧。这只是小小的娱乐,观众们看完后可以有些思考。

Vic: that’s Jerry lifestyle.  这就是Jerry的生活方式。

4 of them laugh together….四个笑成一团。

Vic: Actually, it’s really just a drama. You won’t find many people in society like the one we starring. Really…it’s just an entertainment. Something to viewers to enjoy.其实,就只是一部戏啊,现实生活中你很难找到我们演的人物。真的,这只是娱乐,让大家开心的。

Host: Ok gentlemen, we will take a very very short break. When we come back, Talk Asia will talk with Jerry, Vanness, Ken and Vic about their solo work and what they think about each other. Stay with us. OK,先生们了,我们要短暂的休息一下。等会儿回来,Talk Asia会和Jerry, Vanness, Ken,还有Vic,聊聊他们各自的工作,以及他们是怎样看待彼此的,不要走开。


Host: Welcome back to Talk Asia. I am sitting with Taiwanese Pop Idol Group, F4. Gentlemen, I heard that you all have very different personalities, is that very difficult for you when you work as a group?欢迎回来。和我坐在一起的,是台湾偶像天团F4。先生们,我听说你们的个性差别很大,这会不会影响你们作为一个团体?

Van: Not really.I don’t think so...I mean cos when we work together, we work as a team.并没有,我不这样想。我觉得,当我们一起工作的时候,我们是作为一个团体来合作的。

Ken: Yea.是的。

Van:And we work pretty good as a team. I think thats one of the things that is…, that stands about us because all of our personality is so different in a group; you know most when you do in a group a lot of personality,it’s kindalikeaninunison but for some reasons our individuality makes that unison.其实我们合作得非常好。我们不同的个性,构成了这个团体,大部分时候如果一个团体包括了太多不同的个性,可能会显得不和谐,但是在我们,这正是我们如此和谐的原因之一。

Host: Interesting…Do you see each other Jerry, for example as colleagues, brothers?这很有趣……Jerry,你是怎么看待其他三个成员的呢?是同事呢?还是兄弟?

Jerry: err…You mean the other 3 members of the group.~你说其他三个成员哦?

Van: Be careful (jokingly said it...)小心说哦(开玩笑的语气)

Host: Wait till you get next question (jokingly...) haha…那我们还是等下一个问题吧!(开玩笑的语气)哈哈……

Ken: We all are like brothers actually. 其实我们更像兄弟。

Jerry: Actually, you can say the 4 of us are like a unit, a small family. Vanness is like a …ermm…嗯,其实你可以说我们很像一个家庭,Vanness就像,呃……

Vic: (jokingly voice out…)Mom…(开玩笑)妈妈。

All laughed…笑成一团。。。

Jerry: No, actually Ken is more like a mother. Vic is like a cute loveable little brother. And Vanness he is a serious and hardworking father.不是,其实Ken比较像妈妈。仔仔像个顽皮的弟弟。Vanness就像一个很认真的爸爸。

Van: haha…just call me Daddy…哈哈,那就叫我爸爸吧![猫:把你拽得~]

Host: haha…yea exactly…哈哈,对,就是。

Host: Is there a leader?你们会有一个领袖吗?

Jerry: No, not really. There isn’t one wanted who always takes a leader. He must make all decisions, is that what you mean? Everyone shares their opinions freely. Everyone helps to make the decisions.不,其实没有。没有谁想一直当领袖。大家都会分享自己的想法,帮助别人做决定。

Host: All of you has sort off gone off. As you mention earlier, gone off done your own work right? You come together for F4 and you gone off to do your own work. Why do you do this? Why don’t you just stay as F4?你们都有单飞的作品。就像你们之前说的,去做自己的事情。在一起的时候,是F4,分开,就是不同的个体。为什么要这样呢?为什么不只做F4呢?

Vic: We don’t really split up. After MeteorGarden, the four of us gone off a lot for the projects and not all the projects were appropriate for the four of us. So, we have to be selected. But when I go do a drama, maybe Ken will make an album instead or maybe someone else will go to make a movie. Each of us has our interest and our strength. I guess, we all just got busy. But we will always make time for F4. Like for this concert tour, we make an effort to clear our schedules so that we can do this together. 没有分开啊。虽然流星花园之后,我们四个都有各自的作品出来,但是这是因为不是所有的东西都适合四个人拍啊。所以,我们不得不分开。但是我拍戏的时候,孝天可能会去录专辑,其他人可能会去拍电影。我们每个人都有自己的兴趣和专长。我想,虽然我们每个人都会很忙,但是我们都一定会留时间给F4。就像这次演唱会,我们都把档期留出来,就为了这次可以重新聚首。

Ken & Van: Yea.是的。

Jerry: Actually, what happened is that Vic is always going off to make movies and the 3 of us will be left nothing to do. So, we have to find our own projects, just to keep busy. 实际上都是仔仔要去拍电影,然后我们三个就被丢在旁边没有事情做,所以我们就只好各自找东西做,好让自己忙一点。

All laugh….四个大笑……

Van: As sometimes, I think in a long way, everything back to our personality as well. Because our personality is so different, we have so many different interests as well...you know… So, we, of cos as human being, we wanna pursue our own interest to do other things that we will have more passion for but then yet when the timing call for us to come back again, we will always be here.

Host: Jerry, let me just continue with you. A little bit on personal for each of you individually. Since it such individuals. You started as a model, was showbusiness, entertainment, movies, TV an ambition of yours? Jerry,我想继续问你些关于你个人的问题。你是以模特出道的,那么,进军演艺事业、娱乐圈、电影和电视是不是你的目标?

Jerry: Yes, I think so. When I was a model, it was natural to think about going into entertainment. That’s why I was happy for the opportunity to act in the drama. Then, after I have a chance to try acting, singing, and dancing, I realize that I really enjoy it and that performing is something that I wanted to do more often. 是的,我想是这样。当我还是模特的时候,很自然的想要进入娱乐圈。所以我很高兴可以有机会演戏。后来当我有机会尝试演戏,唱歌,跳舞之后,我发现我真得很喜欢,而且这些都是我想做的事情。

Host: Vic, you were studying engineering. What did you wanna do? Did you really wanna been an engineer? Vic,你原来是学习工程的,那时候你想要做什么?你真地想做一名工程师吗?

Vic: Actually, there was a funny story. After time, the reason I choose to study engineering because of my older brother. I was lazy and I thought it just be easier to follow his footsteps.其实这件事还蛮好笑。我那时候学工程其实是因为我大哥。我很懒嘛,所以想他学什么我就学什么好了,就不用选了。

F3 laughed at him…三个开始嘲笑他

Vic: Whatever he did, I just did the same. Whatever school he went too, I wanted to go too. Then, in the 3rd year of studying engineering, when I about to graduate, I realize I don’t really wanna to be an engineer. I thought why did I choose this course?他做什么我就做什么,他去什么学校我就去什么学校。后来,上到工程三年级我快毕业的时候,我突然发现,其实我根本不想当什么工程师,那我干吗学这个?

In the end, I think I was lucky in my first job, I met these guys, the other 3 members and I found them inspiring. All these years, I learned so much from them. 所以后来,我就真的觉得很幸运可以做这个工作,认识他们三个。这些年来,我从他们身上学到很多东西。

Host: alright…VanNess born in the United States, Santa Monica. What brought you to this part of the world?好。那么,VanNess是在美国,Santa Monica出生的,对吧?是什么让你来到地球的这一边的?

Van: I was always interested in performing. I was into dancing when I was at a very young age so…and plus a lot of my friends…emm…were older than me and they were in the entertainment industry already so, I was pretty much surrounded by what I was growing up and that I was working as dead end job, so…emm…我以前就对表演很有兴趣。我很小的时候就开始跳舞,而且我很多朋友,他们都比我大,也都在演艺圈发展,所以我是在这个氛围中长大的,而且那时候我的工作也没有什么前途,所以,嗯……

Host: What was that?什么工作?[猫:问得好!]

Van: (smiling…) I was a customer service.(笑……)我那时候做客户服务。[猫:说得好听,应该听听大哥的说法,哈哈~]

Host: haha…哈哈……

Van: Ifyou can believe that, and my friend told me you know “what you will be doing at America recently?” I told him nothing much, he said why not you go back to Taiwan and do nothing much in Taiwan and who knows you can get famous. Luckily enough GOD BLESS ME...So, I am here.   我知道这很难相信。然后我朋友就问我“你在美国干什么?”我就跟他说没在作什么,他就说那你干吗不回台湾来,也许还可以成名。很幸运,上帝如此眷顾我,我今天才能坐在这里。

Host: Right…You know quite a number of people from all kinds of background. How do you feel about this sort of blending of different background?那么,你认识很多有着不同背景的人,你对这种不同文化的碰撞和融合怎么看?

Van: I love it…I love it…I think it was wonderful thing. It was a great opportunity to have a mixture so many different cultures and personalities and its just…in fact it’s a real gift…you know…you really see the world and gets to meet different people. I am really blessed having it.我很喜欢,非常喜欢。我觉得这很棒,这是很好的机会,可以接触不同的文化不同的人,事实上,这是上天的礼物,让你可以真正去看到这个世界不同的部分,不同的人,我觉得很幸运可以有这样的机会。

Host: Yea…I can imagine it.是的,我可以想象。

Host: Ken, you born in Taiwan. Ken,你是在台湾出生的。

Ken: Yup.是的。

Host: But you lived for sometimes in Singapore right?但是你在新加坡住了很长一段时间?

Ken: Yea…emm…是的,嗯。

Host: I can’t hear the Singapore accent.我听不出新加坡口音啊!

Ken: Oh…If you want it, I can, you know, but you gonna give me the Singapore accent first.哦,如果你想听,我当然可以说啊,不过你要先说一点。[猫:其实老爷的英语真地说得很好噢!比某人的好懂多了~]

Host: Ok…Ok…Okla. OK, OK, OK啦!

Ken:Okla!! those stuff…But I tried not too…you know…because Singapore accent is for the local stuff but when I go to Singapore, I do the Singapore accent. OK啦,就是这些。但是我尽量不这样说,你知道,新加坡口音只是当地人说的,当我在新加坡的时候我会说。

Host: I am fascinated about your cook book. It’s called “Darling Let’s Cook Together”, right? And been how that idea come about?你那本烹调书让我印象深刻,是叫“Darling Let’s Cook Together”,对吧?怎么会想到出这样一本书呢?[猫:中文名是什么?偶懒得去找了。。。]

Ken: haha…well, actually I cook for myself all the time.哈哈,其实我一直都自己做饭。

Host: You cook for these guys too?你也给他们三个做吗?

Ken: Yea…sometimes…sometimes…You know if when someone heart broken or stuff you know…是的,有时候,当有人心碎的时候,什么的。。。[猫:你说这话的时候为什么要看仔?]

Host: Heart Broken!!心碎的时候?!

F4 laugh…四个大笑

Ken: No…I just kidding you know...I cook cos I don’t like to eat outside food you know…It makes me feel sad.没有啦,我开玩笑的。其实我是因为不喜欢吃外面的食物才自己做,在外面吃我觉得难过。[猫:为什么吃外面的食物会难过呢?MS某人一天到晚在外面吃,小笼包,麻辣锅,还最爱吃热狗]

Host: So, is it fun, relaxing to you or it’s just something you love to do?那么,你自己做饭是因为这样很有趣,能让你放松,还是因为你就是喜欢?

Ken: It’s just something I love…Something kiss me saying.我很喜欢吧!……[猫:老爷,可以请您亲自来解释一下什么叫“kiss me saying”吗?原谅偶学艺不精,实在不了这是啥意思]

Host: GOOD…Good for you.很好,这对你很好。

Host: Emm…its seems I mentioning this very very briefly just now that you going on tours, and then you as F4, and then you go into your solo work and then this sort of continuous right. Will there come a time when you gonna said OK I got to choose between staying with F4 or doing my own solo career?嗯,之前提到过,你们现在开演唱会,就是以F4的形式,然后再去做各自的事情,就一直延续这样的方式。如果现在让你们选择,是继续作F4还是单飞做自己的事业,你们会怎么选?

Ken: I think it’s up to our fans you know.我想这取决于我们的fans[猫:老爷你的太极练得太好了]

Van: Yea…yea…pretty much. I dont really see that anyway in the future that there will be a decision like that because this had been working so well already. We do our own thing…you know…we come back…so…是,是的,基本上是这样。但是我实在看不出将来会有这样的情况出现,我们一直用这样的形式合作,而且也一直做得很好。我们做自己的事情,然后需要的时候就回来一起这样。

Host: How does the solo work that you do compliment the work that you do as F4? Or doesn’t?你们个人的部分是怎么和你们作为F4这个整体的工作相结合的呢?还是无法结合?

Ken: Actually, this concert, we having…we have a lot of personal stuff inside. For each part we have individual part for each time for us to do different performance and then we have to combine performance. So, I think the solo stuff does help us in you know…getting more and more ready for the next challenge and stuff.其实,比如这次演唱会,我们就有很多个人的东西在里面。每个部分我们都有不同的个人表演,我们需要把所有的单元融合在一起。所以我觉得个人的部分确实对我们有帮助,可以让我们对今后的挑战更加有准备。

Van: We grow as an individual and we grow as group…so…我们一直在成长,不管是作为团体还是个人。

Host: Is it important to you come across with a very clean image, with a very proper image…you know…an image that maybe parents would be happy with? Is that important to you when you have so much influence with the younger people?你们是不是必须以一个非常健康积极的形象出现?你知道,就是那种家长们会满意的形象?你们会不会觉得有压力,因为你们对年轻人的影响如此巨大?

Van: I think that is important in…emmm…in Asia. Haha…yea…in Asia you really have to have a clean image but…emm…we are only human…haha…and we just try do our best and just to live a proper and right life that is for us…so…我觉得这个,在亚洲,很重要。哈哈,是啊,在亚洲你确实需要一个非常健康的形象,但是,嗯,我们也是人,哈哈,我们只能尽最大努力去维持一个积极向上的生活方式。[猫:你是在为自己找借口吗,午夜王子?回答这个问题明显底气不足啊]

Host: Does it require lifestyle adjustment for you?那么这意味着你们需要在生活方式上做出一些调整吗?

Van: Oh, yea…I mean there are times that we wanna go out but we can’t…you know…especially around here too…you know paparazzi follow us.啊,是的,我是说很多时候我们很想出去但是不能,你知道,特别是在这里,有狗仔会跟啊。

Host: Yea…just gonna say, how you keep them away?是啊,刚要说这个,那你们怎么摆脱他们呢?

Ken: We can, by not leaving the house.我们可以,不离开房子。

Van: Yea.是啊。

Jerry: Yea…just DVD…haha…DVD keep me accompany. I spend a lots of my times indoors watching on DVD.是啊,就是DVD啊。哈哈,就是看DVD啊,我很多时候就呆在屋子里看DVD

Host: (laughing…) its sounds really boring to me…haha… 这对我来说很无聊啊,哈哈

Ken: That’s why I started cooking…haha这就是为什么我开始烹饪,哈哈

Van: That’s why I exercise…you know…haha…这就是为什么我去健身,哈哈[猫:少把自己说得这么可怜,该玩的你MS一样都没少玩吧?]

Ken: That’s why I have pets…这就是为什么我要养宠物。

Host: You have pets, don’t you?你有宠物?

Ken: Yea…I have 3 cats…yea…  对啊,我有三只猫。

Host: Great…Was it all worthy?? Is it all worthy??那很好啊。那么,你们觉得这值得吗?这所有的一切?

Van: For me it is…I think so…I came out with theyou know…3 good friends, err…a career…you know…a chance to travel, meet many people.对于我来说是的,我觉得,我得到了三个好朋友,还有事业,还有四处旅行的机会,还可以认识不同的人。[猫:某人真的很爱旅行和结交朋友啊,说这么多次。。。]

Vic: Yea, it’s worthy. It actually hasn’t really impact in my life. I am actually a socially stay home quietly anyway…haha…是的,很值得。其实这并没有很影响我的生活,反正我本来就不喜欢社交,更喜欢呆在家里。哈哈~

Host: Gentlemen, We gonna take another very very short break. When Talk Asia comes back, will find out what F4 think about the competition from Japan and Korea? Stay with us.先生们,我们要短暂的休息一下。等会儿回来,我们江河F4谈谈他们怎样看待来自日本和韩国的竞争。不要走开。

Break…  休息,休息一下吧!

Host:Welcome back to Talk Asia, I’m with Jerry, Vic, VanNess and Ken of F4. Gentlemen, you are hot in Japan right now. Is that an important market for you? 欢迎回来,这里是Talk Asia,和我坐在一起的是来自F4Jerry, Vic, VanNessKen。先生们,你们现在在日本很红,对于你们来说,那是一个很重要的市场吗?

Van: I think every market is important for us now. It’s another chance to explore a different country, get better know different part of the world. 我认为现在每个市场对我们来说都很重要。这是进入另外一个国家的机会,可以更好地了解世界不同的地区。[猫:还要学那么多不同的语言。]

Host:So, do you feel, Jerry for example, that there’s a need to break into a different market now in order to stay ahead of, you know, so many new singers coming out these days? I mean, you know, they are young, they are energetic, there’re so many of them, and in order to stay a head, do you feel there’s a need to break a new ground, break into new markets? 那么,你们是否觉得,比如说,Jerry,你是否觉得现在需要不听得去开拓新的市场,以维持领先的地位?因为,你知道,现在不停的有新人出现,他们年轻,有活力,而且人数众多。那么你们是否觉得必须去开创新的局面,新的市场,来维护你们的地位?[猫:原来我们家的四个已经不年轻,没有活力了]

Jerry:  How we do as a group depends on fate. I really believe that. My own personality such a … when I make a TV show or a movie, I just want to make it as good as possible, and have as many people as possible to watch it. To me it’s not about the competition, working hard is all about growing, and improving my talent. 我真地相信我们这个组合是命运使然。我自己的个性,就是那种,当我要拍一个电视剧或者电影的时候,我就要拍得尽善尽美,尽可能得让更多人的来看。对于我来说,努力工作不是因为竞争,而是为了成长,为了证明我的才华。

Host: Ken?

Ken: (Jokingly) I just try to make a living, you know. (开玩笑的语气)我只是以此为生。

Host: Hahaha…

Ken: It is OK for me, because, err, I love this job. I do love my job, but it is not like a career to me. I mean I’m growing up, I’m getting older, I got to think of something else. Coz I don’t think it is permanent, to ME. 对于我来说还好啦。因为,呃,我爱我的工作,我确实很爱这份工作。但是,对我来说,这不是事业。我是说,我在成长,年纪慢慢变大,我回想很多其他的东西。因为我真地认为,这不会是永久不变的,对我来说啦。[猫:yea, it’s not permanent, but we just wanna take is as long as possible~~]

Host: There are so many, I mean, new faces coming out, VanNess, they are all competition. I mean in a sense…现在有很多的,我是说,新鲜面孔出现,VanNess,他们都是竞争对手。

Van: Well, in the sense…If people look at it that way. I think for us, we just, we try to do our jobs, and try to… try new things. I’m always for new roles, different kinds of things. I’m, the market, my dream, my ambition, to pursue right now, I really want to break through into acting in America, so…you know. 如果你们要这么看的话。我觉得对于我们来说,我们只是尽力做好自己的工作,尝试新的东西。我自己一直接受新的角色,各种新东西。对于我来说,这个市场,我现在追求的——我的梦想,我的志向——我真得很想突破,能够去美国演戏,所以……你知道。[猫:唉~]

Host: Wow…哇哦。。。

Van: Yea, it’s hard, because you know, Asians as a whole, we do get type-casted and stereotypes especially in America. You know, it’s either you are really good in martial arts, or you are a math genius, you know. So, yea, but, hopefully we can bring new deaths to the American market. 是的,这很难。因为你知道,亚洲人作为一个整体,我们在角色上有很大的限制,特别是在美国。要么你很会打,要么就是个数学天才。所以,是啊。不过,还有希望,我们可以给美国市场带来一些新鲜血液。

Host: You Taiwanese, you travel all around the world, a lot of places, do you ever get to drown into politics? 作为台湾人,你们在世界各地旅行的时候,会不会遇到一些政治上的问题?[猫:以下话题有点,嗯,大家就随便看看吧,不要较真。]

Van: No, not really, no. 不会,没有。

Ken: Ya…对。

Van: Our job is too time-consuming to get tracked into the politics. 我们的工作都太满了,不可能有时间牵扯到政治当中去。

Host: But what do you think when your TV series were banned in China and the tour concert being cancelled? 但是你们的电视剧在中国大陆被禁了,而且巡回演唱会也被取消了,你们怎么认为?[猫:巡回演唱会有被取消吗?02年的大陆巡回不是成功举办了吗?还是其中有几场被取消了?恕猫年纪大了,记性不好了]

Ken: We have to thank them actually. 其实我们要感谢他们。

Host: To thank them? 感谢他们?

Ken: Yea…that’s why we got famous in China. 对啊,正因为如此我们才会在大陆出名。

Van: Hehe, good point! 呵呵,不错的观点。

Ken: It is! 确实如此。

Host: Any publicity or good publicity? 所有的公众吗?

Ken: OK. When our first TV show was banned in China, we were… OK,当我们第一部剧在大陆被禁的时候,我们……

Van: Pretty depressed. 很沮丧。

Ken: Yea. But after that, we realized that the more the government wants to ban it, the more people want to see it. And that’s how we got famous in China, actually. 是的,但是那之后我们意识到,越是政府想禁的东西,就越多人想看。其实,我们反而因此在大陆走红。

Host: Is there any new album you are working on at the moment? 你们现在有人在作新专辑吗?

Van: I’m working on my next solo album right now. 我现在正在做下一张个人专辑。[猫:一年前说的话,不过现在终于要出了,狼终于来了~]

Host: Anything different from the previous? 那和以往的专辑有什么不同的地方吗?

Van: It’s… right now the producers and the lyrics are done by myself and my group of people that I come to my grief, so it’s basically my personal music diary. 嗯,现在就是,制作人和歌词的部分都是由我自己和我朋友负责的,描写我的情绪和一些感觉。所以这基本上可以看作是我个人的音乐日记。

Host: Anybody else who are working on a new album? 还有其他人在做新专辑吗?

Ken: Actually, the four of us are going to have a new album coming out. I think, this year. 实际上,我们四个也要发新专辑了,我想,就是今年。[猫:这个……]

Host: Great! F4? 太好了,F4的?

Ken: Ya…是的

Host: Great! 好极了!

Ken: But the exact time we don’t know yet. 但是我们还不知道确切的时间。

Host: Anything special, anything different from the previous albums? 那么这次和以往的专辑相比,有什么特别的地方吗?

Ken: I think the very different part will be our vocals. 我想最不同的应该是我们的声音了吧。

Van: Yea. 对。

Ken: Because the previous time we recorded an album was about three or fours years ago. 因为我们上一张专辑还是三、四年前录的。

Van: Yea, three or four years ago, And I think our vocals have been improved since then. 对,三四年前。我想我们的声音都有了很大的进步了。

Host: All these non-stop lifestyle that you have, how do you deal with it? I mean has there come to a point where you really just want to shut off for little while, I mean since you for F4, in solo and then F4 and it’s like non stop. 你们怎样应付这样忙碌不停的生活呢?有没有什么时候你们想厅下来,也许只需要一会儿。我想,不管是作为个人,还是F4,你们都忙得停不下来。

Jerry: Oh…it’s not like that actually. It’s not a bad thing. What we gain is more than what we lose. 哦,其实还好啦。这也不是坏事,我们得到的远远大于我们的付出。

Ken: Actually, we do enjoy working with each other. That’s the…you know…when we don’t see each other for a while, we will meet each other…its feel better actually... 其实,我们工作的时候,大家真得很开心。就是,你知道,当我们一段时间不见,然后又聚到一起,感觉真的很好。

Host: What is the best thing about being as F4? 你们觉得成为F4最好的是什么?

Ken: Emm…嗯。。。

Ken and VanNess laughing… V大笑 [猫:两傻孩子。。。]

Host: Ohh…you shouldn’t take that long huh…haha… 啊,不用想这么久吧?哈哈~

Van: Never think of that. It’s so many. There really is… 从来没有想过哎,其实有很多啊,……

Host: Just 1…只能说一个。。。

Van: Just 1!!! Emm…me personally…err…I can help my family out with this…so, I can take care of my family…so, that’s best part of it. 一个?!嗯,我个人来说,呃,我可以因此支持我的家庭,可以照顾我的家人,这是我觉得最好的部分。[猫:心疼ing~]

Vic: Emm…I think the best thing about being an F4 is the sense of unity that we have among the 4 members. I had never felt that I was alone of had to do a job by myself, regardless what challenges I face, I always have 3 other people whom I can go to for help. This people also inspire me to do better and the inspiration had being more helped me grow and improve. 嗯。。。我觉得最好的是,我们之间的那种联系。因为有他们在,我不管独自面对什么样的挑战,都不会觉得孤单。他们总能启发我做得更好,而且总是帮助我成长和进步。

Host: Right…10 years from now, let’s suppose the name F4 is still out there in conversation, how would you like to be talked about? 好,那么,现在我们假设十年之后,你们仍然坐在这里,你们觉得你们会谈些什么呢?

Jerry: If our fans and all the people who followed us and who had worked with us, they will have some good memories that will be enough. 如果我们的fans和那些一直追随我们的人,和我们工作的人,他们可以有很好的回忆,那就足够了。

Van: Yea…是的。[猫:谢谢你给我这么好的回忆,不过,十年?可不可以再久一点?一起变老好不好?]

Host: Well, gentlemen, thank you all very very much for spending time with us. Vic, Ken VanNess, Jerry, thank you all very very much. 好了,先生们,非常非常感谢你们和我们共度的时光。Vic, Ken VanNess, Jerry,真得非常感谢你们每个人!

F4: Thank You. 谢谢!

Host: And there is been Talk Asia this week. My guests had been Taiwanese pop idols-F4. I am Lorraine Hahn, let’s talk again next week. 这就是本周的Asia Talk,我们的嘉宾是台湾偶像天团F4。我是Lorraine Hahn,我们下周见!


