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Ady An refuses to kiss Van Ness Wu

source : UDN
translated by fewfew @ http://asianfanatics.net
posted by lindsay /http://asianfanatics.net

Ady An films SETTV's <Next Stop, Happiness>, but has been refusing to film any kissing scenes, making Van Ness Wu feel helpless, "Is it because of me?" He then learns later that she has phobia towards kissing. The two of them could only complete filming the kissing scene after Ady An drunk herself while Van Ness Wu prayed for God's help.

Don't know whether Ady An has had bad experiences in the past of something else, but her barrier has always been filming kissing scenes. She rather films scenes where she is beaten than to kiss with her male lead. However, producer of <Next Stop, Happiness>, Chen Yu Shan, would not let Ady An off and requested for her to film the kissing scenes. Yesterday, on the outdoor set at Sanshia, Ady An publicly apologized to Van Ness Wu, "I only have the courage to film a kissing scene after getting drunk, but after he became Christian, not only did he become celibate, he even quit drinking!" After she finished, she turned around and asked Van Ness Wu, "Do I smell of alcohol?" He smiled and didn't answer.

After Van Ness Wu became Christian, he became a whole new person, gleaming everywhere. Once he discovers someone in a bad mood, he would pray for him/her. Ady An was feeling down one day, and Van Ness Wu asked caringly, "Can I pray for you?" Then he pulled her into a small room. Both leading actor and actress disappeared at the same time, which made others suspect. In actuality, he was only trying to counsel her, and she was so moved that she was in tears.

Van Ness Wu has been in showbiz for ten years, but he just revealed his correct name yesterday. His English name is not, "Vanness," but it is, "Van Ness." <Next Stop, Happiness" will start broadcasting on October 4th, which will most likely be going up against Ken Zhu's <Momo Love>.


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Vanness Wu's Complete Transformation

Source : Huaxia
Translation : oppas4all @ http://asianfanatics.net

As a product of SETTV's transformation, Vanness Wu is working to get rid of his ABC accent. He has been required not to wear saggy pants, speak English. To make his single eyelid eyes look more like a manga male character, he was given circle lenses. All this was easy. The hardest part for Vanness was Chinese. His script was filled up with romanizations.

TTV and SETTV's <Autumn's Concerto> starts showing 10/04. SETTV's president Chen Shan Yu said, "In the beginning, indeed, there were people asking 'Why Vanness Wu?'. "But just like during the filming of <My Queen>, when people were questioning the choice of Cheryl Yang, Chen has complete confidence in Vanness.

In order to have Vanness who has poor Chinese understand what the drama was about, Chen especially invited the director to spend two days to verbally describe the role and have him understand the the inner world of the male protaganist. Chen has also required Vanness to not speak any English to reporters and to wear well-fitted collared shirts to show his muscular figure and to not wear baggy clothes.

[ 本帖最後由 jessi 於 2009-10-3 23:13 編輯 ]


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Autumn's concerto's Vanness Wu NGs easily when filming intimate scenes. <Double Wu NG> fine imposed, Monday October 5, 2009 Taiwan

Source : TTV
Translation : chipmunk0318 @ http://asianfanatics.net

TTV SETTV's idol drama Autumn's Concerto, Vanness Wu and Ady An kiss nonstop. In the ice rink, in the house, garden scenes, both of them had kissing scenes in all of these places before. Ady says " And there are still a few more scenes where there were 'almost kisses', but when the audience see those, they will definitely have alot of feelings." Although that is so, when both of them film intimate scenes, Vanness often NGs. Ady laughs " Now the production team has set in place the double Wu NG fine. As long as Vanness Wu or Wu Kang Ren NG, they will be fined.

Autumn's concerto premiered on 4th October on TTV. It can be said that this drama has caused quite a sensation before it even showed on tv.During the premiere event, the japanese media even sent teams to cover it. Vanness says: This is my first project in more than two years. I hope everyone will continue to give me their support.

Autumn's Concerto is helmed by Golden Bell Best Director Chen Hui Ling, together with the fresh pair of Ady An and Vanness Wu, it gives the audience alot of expectations and space for imagination. Earlier, while filming an intimate scene with the two leads, it led the Pisces Chen to become teary eyed. She said" Vanness' character is ill in the drama and as a result is unable to shave by himself. Ady's character then leads him to sit on the toilet bowl, and proceeds to sit on his lap and help him shave. When she acts out this scene, it is so filled with love. This scene made my eyes teary."

Vanness and Ady have been kissing non stop since the start of filming. Ady laughingly said " Our skating, being on the swings, within the house scenes all had kissing scenes. But everytime we kiss the reason is different, like the one in the rink was because of Vanness' bet with someone."

In reality, both of them have NGs easily when filming intimate scenes. Ady because she is shy and Vaness because of being "not familiar and too familiar". He laughs "At the beginning, we didn;t know each other so it was very awkward filming such scenes. After hanging out together for a while, it became such that we were too familiar, so the feeling was weirdly awkward. But after balancing out for sometime, it has gotten alot better." To reduce instances of NG, the production team started a <Double Wu NG fine.> Ady chuckles saying " As long as Vanness NGs, he gets fined NT100. WU Kang Ren gets fined NT5. Because Vanness is a rich prince both on and off camera."


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Ady An's drowning act scares Vanness Wu

Ady An's drowning act scares Vanness Wu
Source: Liberty Times
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net

Earlier,Ady An filmed a drowning scene but because her acting skills looked soreal, the drama crew & the lifeguard team on standby thought shewas really drowning. The director immediately yelled cut, filmingstopped and everyone jumped into the sea to save her! Hence, Ady had tocome up with her own cipher: “If I start swearing, then I’m reallydrowning, only come save me if you hear those key words la!”

Ady has heart problem; drama crew very nervous

SETTVidol drama ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ earlier filmed the scene of Ady going towork at the fisheries, but she accidentally falls into the sea andalmost drowns. Because Ady doesn't know how to swim at all, and withher heart problem, the drama crew especially requested a professionallifeguard team to be on standby if something were to happen. However,only a few minutes filming into the drowning scene, director Chen wasso startled with shock that she immediately yelled cut, and everyonejumped into the sea to rescue her. Vanness Wu said: “Because Ady’sacting looked so real, everyone thought she was really drowning, andhence jumped into the sea to save her. Luckily it was just a falsealarm.”

For this scene, Ady had to soak in the sea from noon toevening, and by the end of it, her skin had wrinkles and her lips wereblue. She said that because she didn’t know how to swim, while waitingfor filming, she had to stay in the water with her life buoy. However,when the sun set, the temperature turned very cold, and her whole bodywas shivering. Fortunately, the crew specially prepared hot drinks, anda nearby business was also keen to provide them with hot showers.

Vanness Wu rescues damsel in distress; shouts everyone to hotpot

Duringthe scene, Vanness has to rescue the damsel in distress. Intitially, tomake the effect of the scene even better, they were planning on havingVanness jump into the sea from a 6-metre high platform. However,Director Chen gave up on this idea due to safety considerations.Vanness who loves the water, knew that Ady didn’t know how to swim.Hence, when they were in the water, he kept using his thighs to propher up, to prevent her from sinking downwards. Ady said gratefully: “Toa person who doesn’t know how to swim, it feels so nice having a personwho does know how to swim at your side.” And after filming wrapped upfor the day, the considerate Vanness generously shouted everyone tohotpot to warm up

[ 本帖最後由 jessi 於 2009-11-2 21:12 編輯 ]


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Sunday idol drama battle begins; bed scene vs. kiss scene vs. passionate scene!
Sunday November 1, 2009 Taiwan

Source: UDN
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net

Rainie Yang & Cyndi Wang’s competition for the ‘sweetheart’ throne has been going on for many years now. Tonight, Rainie’s CTS drama ‘Hi My Sweetheart’ will enter the idol drama battle, competing against Cyndi’s ‘Momo Love’. The competition is about to get even more intense!

Ady An & Vanness Wu haven’t returned to the idol drama market for a long time but their recent SETTV drama ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ has been doing very well. Last week, they achieved 4.02% in ratings, easily claiming the first place position. And it seems they have left Rainie & Cyndi to battle it out for second place.

However ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ isn’t taking their new competitor lightly. Tonight, they will be airing a hot bed scene, to compete against the 2 sweethearts. Coincidentally, both ‘Hi My Sweetheart’ & ‘Momo Love’ also have kiss scenes airing in tonight’s episodes; it seems that all 3 idol dramas are using passionate scenes to face the battle.

‘Autumn’s Concerto’ will broadcast Vanness & Ady’s bed scene tonight. Vanness said: “This is a beautiful, romantic & passionate scene.” Ady laughed saying: “I’ve never filmed such a scene before with any guy; my face was bright red & my heart was beating very fast.” Ady even had to drink a lot of beer before filming!

Cyndi Wang hasn’t appeared in many of their drama promotional events but yesterday, she finally appeared at a fan event for GTV’s ‘Momo Love’. She & Jiro Wang played a game of feeding ice-cream while blindfolded with fans, and attracted the screams of over 300 female fans. Tonight, ‘Momo Love’ will air a kiss scene where Cyndi sees Jiro kissing another girl, and in the spur of the moment, she shaves all her hair off to become a nun.

After Show Luo & Rainie Yang sorted out their differences in the past, they also have many kiss scenes in ‘Hi My Sweetheart’. In tonight’s first episode, Show falls into a lake in Hang Zhou and takes a whole mouthful of water and water plants. After filming that scene, he had to drink 2 big bottles of mineral water to gargle his mouth. Show said that that day, he saw many people having barbecues beside the lake: “Luckily I only ate some water plants, and not someone’s half-bitten tempura or meat piece they threw into the water, that would be so disgusting ah.”

And after Rainie jumps into the lake to save Show, she had to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and she complained: “Your mouth has a muddy flavour, it’s like I’m giving mouth-to-mouth to a tilapia! (t/n: type of fish)”


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Vanness Wu kissing other girls makes Ady An very jealous; wants to add oil together with Show Luo
Source: NOWnews
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net

http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/vie ... &extra=page%3D1

[ 本帖最後由 jessi 於 2009-11-20 02:33 編輯 ]


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Vanness Wu plays a patient in new drama; runs barefoot on the street
Sunday November 8, 2009 Taiwan

Source: TOM
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net

Vanness Wu plays a patient suffering from brain cancer in new drama 'Autumn's Concerto'. Earlier, he filmed a scene where he wears a hospital garment and runs barefoot on the road to chase after Ady An's car. As filming took place at noon, the ground was very hot, and Vanness joked: "It feels like I'm dancing on a hot iron plate!" Vanness expressed that, in order to highlight his anxious feelings, he had a discussion with the director and decided to run barefoot. In this scene, Vanness tries to run very fast, but he is unable to catch up to the car, and falls on the streets. Besides being busy with filming, and memorising scripts, Vanness has also been busy recording, to prepare for his new album.


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Vanness Wu throws away F4 baggage; likes to be called Ren Guang Xi
Tuesday November 10, 2009 Taiwan

Source: China Times
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net
Link: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/V ... g-Xi-talk696742.htm

Vanness Wu has been in the industry for 10 years, and has finally thrown away his F4 idol baggage, establishing his own personal characteristics. His performance in SETTV’s new drama ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ brings the audience to tears and begin to see him in a new light. Vanness said proudly: “In the past, when people saw me, they would say I’m ‘Meteor Garden’s F4, but now when I walk on the streets, people will point at me and say: you’re Ren Guang Xi from Autumns Concerto!”

Episode 6 was broadcasted last Sunday, and showed Vanness running out from his operating room to chase after Ady only to have her break his heart. When Ady watched the broadcast, she suddenly forgot she was the female lead, and as the story played out, she used up a whole packet of tissues. Ady invested a lot into her performance in the drama, but her good friend Shone An didn’t seem to show any appreciation, and even courageously said to her: “I don’t watch sad dramas, I prefer watching comedies.” Making Ady turn red with anger!


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


Sunday idol drama battle: Xiao Xiao Bin vs. Lee Wei!
Sunday November 15, 2009 Taiwan

Source: UDN
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net

SETTV idol drama 'Autumn's Concerto' will enter the 6-years later storyline at 'Hua Tian Village' tonight. The cute Xiao Xiao Bin will appear for the first time, and female lead Ady An said: "Xiao Xiao Bin is like a little adult, can't believe a 5-year old child can act so well!" Even when Joe Chen Qiao En visited during filming, she couldn't help but praise Xiao Xiao Bin saying he is a 'child prodigy' after seeing his performance. As for CTS idol drama 'Hi My Sweetheart', Lee Wei will enter the drama tonight and form a love triangle with Show Luo & Rainie Yang.

'Autumn's Concerto' will also broadcast Vanness Wu's seductive shower scene tonight. Ady said: "Xiao Xiao Bin is a little adult, Vanness is a big child, they get along very well. There was once when they talked in 'alien language' but the amazing thing was that they were both able to continue the conversation!"

And Lee Wei will appear tonight in 'Hi My Sweetheart'. He also tossed away his image to promote the drama. During a recording of 100% Entertainment, he imitated Michael Jackson's grasping crotch dance, and even uglified himself with nose hairs and a beard, making Show & Rainie very surprised. Lee Wei said: "If an idol drama king like Show Luo can uglify himself to make a breakthrough, then what am I worried about!"


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


4-year old Xiao Xiao Bin defeats A-list idol stars!
Tuesday November 17, 2009 Taiwan

Source: UDN
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net

4-year old Xiao Xiao Bin has defeated A-list idol stars! Ratings for the 3 Sunday idol dramas have been released and Xiao Xiao Bin’s first appearance with his cute baby voice and sparkling eyes made SETTV’s ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ ratings break 4%. However, Show Luo & Rainie Yang’s ‘Hi My Sweetheart’ dropped to below 2%, and Cyndi Wang & Jiro Wang’s ‘Momo Love’ only just broke 1%.

Sunday idol drama ratings have become worse, one idol drama after the other. The high ratings achieved by ‘My Queen’ and ‘Fated To Love You’ seems to have disappeared into thin air. Vanness Wu & Ady An’s ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ yesterday finally broke 4%, with Xiao Xiao Bin’s first appearance. Online discussion forums have been praising Xiao Xiao Bin non-stop, and even gave him the title of ‘child prodigy’. However, there were also people who felt that Xiao Xiao Bin’s lines were too mature, and that it would be even better if it was more natural. And Xiao Xiao Bin’s other idol drama ‘Down With Love’ will be airing soon and it seems he will be competing against himself. However, whether or not he can steal main leads Jerry Yan & Ella Chen’s spotlight is another topic.

Xiao Xiao Bin, with his clever speech and cute baby voice not only amazed the audience but even made many people cry. He has also attracted the interest of many advertisement companies and his manager expressed: “A public sector company invited the father-and-son to film an ad, but there have been many other advertisement companies inviting only Xiao Xiao Bin, but this is still under consideration.”

Although ‘Hi My Sweetheart’ and ‘Momo Love’ both have strong casts, but the former is too comic and the latter’s storyline doesn’t draw much attention. Both dramas are still awaiting a breakthrough in ratings.



Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


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