
Van Ness takes over Vic's role with the help of God

Due to change in Director and problems with the script, “The Killer Never Kills” project was put on hold. As reported previously, although Vic Chou has waited two months for the project, he will no longer be participating in it. Rumors say that Eddie Peng and Mike He were interested in taking over the project, but just yesterday, it was announced that the devoted Christian Van Ness Wu will be the one taking over the role.
由于导演更换和剧本的问题,“The Killer Never Kills”被暂时推迟拍摄。根据早些时间的报道,虽然仔仔已经等了2个月的时间,但最终他将不会参演这个剧本。传言说,彭于晏和贺军翔有意接手这个剧本,但昨天,有消息称,作为虔诚基督徒的Vanness将接手这个角色。
Van Ness’ popularity skyrocketed after the smash hit idol drama, “Autumn’s Concerto,” which also crowned him the King in ratings. Van Ness reportedly received ten drama and three movie offers, but it has been confirmed that he will be taking up the “Killer Never Kills” project, which will resume its filming by the end of the month. Although Van Ness previously indicated that he would concentrate working on his upcoming album, he loved the character in “Killer” too much, so he accepted the role. In fact, Vic also recommended Van Ness to Film Mall, the movie production company, because he believes that Van Ness’ “gentle” appearance matches the role very well.
在偶像剧下一站幸福获得成功后,吴建豪的人气暴涨,并同时登上收视率榜单之首。据传说,V接到了10个偶像剧,3个电影的邀请,但是外界已经证实说他将接手Killer Never Kills的拍摄,并将在本月末开始他的拍摄。 虽然早期Vanness表示他将集中精力于他的最新专辑上,但是他也同时表示他很喜欢Killer里面的角色,所以他接手了这个角色。事实上,仔仔也向电影公司推荐了V,因为他相信V的绅士形象很符合角色的设计与需要

Love Struggle Faith


原帖由 1syun1 於 2010-3-6 11:50 發表
Thanks for sharing , bond!
Thanks for nice translation, Stacy!
not a thing~~

Love Struggle Faith

